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I am currently undertaking my apprenticeship at KES Academy as an assistant cook within the school catering department.

I was looking for a course to improve my supervisory skills. Once we had spoken to the HR department, they came back with a selection of online and in person courses. We did a lot of research into these courses and found that an apprenticeship would be the most appropriate approach.

I attend a monthly workshop at CWA to increase my knowledge and experience in managerial principles. These workshops are all based arounds business modules, for example equality and diversity. I also have a professional discussion with an examiner about the business I work in and the knowledge that I have gained from the apprenticeship. At the end of my course, I am required to do a work-related project on something I can implement in my workplace.

The benefit of studying an apprenticeship is that it is all relevant to the career path you want to take. You are gaining the knowledge and experience that is required for you to pursue the career you want. You also have minimal time at the college and get paid for learning what you want to do as a future career.

I decided to study an apprenticeship as I wanted to progress in my career. Being a single parent with a full-time job and a house to run, I was unable to go into full-time education without being paid. Doing the apprenticeship also enabled me to continue with my full-time job and gain the relevant qualifications needed to enable me to progress within my current career and carry on doing what I love.

After completing my apprenticeship, I hope to study a level 4 qualification in food hygiene, that will then enable me to apply for jobs as a kitchen manager.

If you are thinking about studying an apprenticeship, I would highly recommend studying at the College of West Anglia, it is the best way to gain a qualification in something that you enjoy doing. It also enables you to gain experience and get paid whilst you learn. There is coursework alongside the day-to-day job, however this is manageable, and the assessors are brilliant as well as very supportive throughout.

The best part about completing an apprenticeship is that you will have a formal qualification that is there to help your career progression. It also makes you appreciate what knowledge and skills you have gained whilst at work.

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