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“Prior to beginning my apprenticeship, I aspired to work within a trade. I wanted to learn absolutely everything I possibly could, from high-end furniture to spraying furniture, second fix carpentry, bespoke joinery and much more. I chose to do my apprenticeship at CWA as they were able to fulfil the carpentry and joinery course, whereas a lot of colleges are just carpentry.

I then fell in love with the trade and found I had talent, especially with the finer details. I worked for Norfolk Living Kitchens whilst studying my apprenticeship and had very good mentors who pushed me to produce the best work. I then began to pick up a lot of work on the side, so I created a workshop space to fulfil the work I was getting in evenings and at weekends.

In 2022 I took the leap to start my own business – Rudd Bespoke Joinery and Furniture.

I now have an apprentice working alongside with me and we have never been short of work. A full diary is the best diary.”

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01553 815 271


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