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We would like your experience with the college to be productive, enjoyable and positive. However, we understand that sometimes we may get it wrong. If you are dissatisfied with our service, please let us know.

If you are a student at the college, we strongly encourage you to discuss your concerns with a member of staff in the first instance.

If you are a staff member, we would ask you to raise it with your line manager in the first instance. If that person cannot help or if you are still not satisfied, please complete the form below and your complaint will be dealt with.

Please note that as part of the investigation of your complaint, any member of staff mentioned will be made aware of the complaint, as will the Quality Unit and, if applicable, the Senior Management Team.

For more details on the complaints process, please refer to our Handling and Resolving Complaints procedure which you can find here.

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01553 761 144

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01553 815 271