Governing Body
Governors at the College of West Anglia contribute to the development of the core strategic aims of the college and help improve opportunities for our students. They have the welfare of the college as a whole at the forefront of their minds and are committed to serving the local community with the provision of a quality educational experience for all.
External Governance Review 2023/24
The College of West Anglia had an External Governance Review from January to April 2024. The review was carried out by the AoC with Rachel Nicol as reviewer. The review is a requirement for all colleges every three years as set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022.
The review concluded that there is strong evidence that the Board is highly proficient and consistently impacts positively on college strategy, effectiveness, and outcomes.
"The college benefits from collegiate relationships both within the Board and between the Board and the management team. There is a constant focus on driving improvement. Challenge is strong and effective, balanced with support and empathy. Further developments in terms of articulating and tracking strategy oversight, prioritising strategic discussion on agendas, articulating governor input maximising use of their skills, will further increase the impact of the Board"
The Board is proud of the review and were pleased with the strengths identified and the useful areas for development. The review findings have been consolidated into an action plan for governance which will be subject to continual progress monitoring and review.
For further information about our review please contact Jules Bridges, Head of Governance.
Are you interested in becoming a Governor at CWA?
Being a governor at the College of West Anglia allows you to contribute to the development of the core strategic aims of the college and help improve opportunities for over 7500 students studying a wide range of courses from foundation through to degree level.
Click here for more information on becoming a CWA Governor