School Leaver / 16 - 18 yr OldAdultsApprenticeships
Hospitality Supervisor - Apprenticeship - Level 3
Hospitality supervisors work across a wide variety of businesses including bars, restaurants, cafes, conference centres, banqueting venues, hotels or contract caterers.
They provide vital support to management teams and are capable of independently supervising hospitality services and running shifts. They typically work under pressure delivering fantastic customer service and motivating a team is essential to their role.
The majority of supervisors skills and knowledge are the same but supervisors may specialise in specific functions or work across a variety of functions which reflect the multi-functional nature of the industry.
Only apply below if you have an employer and they want you to start an apprenticeship
How many hours / days per week is this course?
Flexible but you need an employer to commence the apprenticeship. You may be required to attend monthly campus workshops to cover the knowledge aspects of your apprenticeship
You will build an e-portfolio of evidence and will be assessed in the workplace using a range of methods, for example written assignments, case study work, reflective accounts and practical observation etc.
An Assessor will visit you in the workplace on a regular basis in order to support you.
The end point assessment is carried out by an independent and impartial assessor and includes: multiple choice test paper, practical observation, business project and professional discussion
Only apply below if you have an employer and they want you to start an apprenticeship
King's Lynn
Duration 15 months
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