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Ryan Hockton being awarded the Kevin Clarke Memorial Trophy by John Clarke Electrical Apprentice Ryan Hockton has been awarded the CWA Kevin Clarke memorial trophy. The award is given each year to the electrical apprentice who has shown the highest level of personal achievement and development during that academic year. Ryan who is employed by Bloom & Wake Limited of Outwell, is only in the first year of a three year electrotechnical apprenticeship, but has already shown significant promise. After leaving high school, Ryan completed a full-time electrical engineering course at CWA, during which he secured employment with Bloom & Wake, enabling him to continue his training as an apprentice. Ryan, 19 from Wimbotsham who although having dyslexia, demonstrated such high practical skills while on his full-time course, that he represented CWA at last year’s Norfolk & Waveney Skills Competition. CWA electrical tutor Tim Burgess said: “Competing at the skills competition is an honour normally only reserved for Electrical Apprentices, but Ryan was demonstrating practical capabilities higher than some of the advanced level apprentices”. The Kevin Clarke award is named after a former electrical apprentice who was sadly killed in a car accident in 1984 and is sponsored by his parents John and Janet Clarke. The award was presented to Ryan by Mr Clarke along with a prize cheque.

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