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Cameron's photo 2 A uniformed and public services student from the College of West Anglia King’s Lynn campus has been on a unique and poignant course on the Holocaust and existence of Auschwitz. Cameron Walker, 19, enrolled on a ‘Lessons from Auschwitz Project’ which began on Monday 11 April. The Lessons from Auschwitz (LFA) Project comprises of four sections. The first is an Orientation Seminar at CCT Venues Plus-South Quay which is a half-day seminar where participants examine pre-war Jewish life, hear a Holocaust survivor share their testimony and discuss the unique issues of preparing for a Holocaust-related site visit. On Thursday 14 April, he embarked on a one-day visit to Poland with the group, where he was given a tour of the chilling and notable sites of Auschwitz concentration camp, followed by visits to museum exhibits lead by local guides. A follow-up seminar took place on Sunday 24 April where participants reflected on the visit and explored the contemporary relevance of the Holocaust. Cameron is now on the concluding part of the project which will be followed up on Thursday 14 July when he will become an ambassador for the Lessons from Auschwitz Project. To reach this stage, he is to complete an assignment which has the potential of being used in local West Norfolk schools to reflect the lessons he has learnt from the ‘Lessons from Auschwitz’ project, sharing his newfound knowledge on the topic. Cameron's photo 3 Cameron shared his experience of the trip with class mates last week and said: “It was a very eye opening experience and has made me think more about how people act around others. For our next steps project we have to spread what we learned in our seminars and from Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was an exceptional day, though rather emotional for some. I would urge anyone who can, to one day go to the site to experience what it has to offer; it can be emotional but also teaches that everyone is the same and that people should be treated well no matter what their beliefs or how they dress or by what they say.” Photos by Cameron Walker Cameron's photo 1

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