What qualification will I achieve?
AQA A-Level in Photography
How is my course assessed?
Year 1
Component 1: Portfolio (60%)
During the first half of the year, you will develop a portfolio of images and supporting sketchbook that explores a variety of media, techniques and ideas.
Component 2: Externally Assessed Assignment (40%)
In February you will receive a question paper with a choice of five questions/themes to respond to. There will be a period of 10 hours under exam conditions towards the end of the year.
Year 2
Component 1: Personal Investigation (60%) During the first half of year you will develop a personal investigation supported by a written project.
Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%) In February you will receive a question paper with a choice of eight questions/themes to respond to. There will be a period of 15 hours under exam conditions at the end of the year.