The College of West Anglia (CWA) invited 30 Year 9 girls from local school, King’s Lynn Academy (KLA), to have a taster day with the technology department in engineering and plumbing subjects. The aim of the taster was to show the group what it is like to be a tradesperson working in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) and to inspire career aspirations.
The group was split into two, with half of the day spent in the plumbing department, constructing and fabricating copper hearts and the other half of the day, spent in the engineering workshop, designing and welding a frog using old horseshoes.
Livvi Hodges, Plumbing Lecturer at CWA said:
“I set out with the aim of giving young girls a taste of what it is like to experience plumbing and engineering, with the hope of it inspiring them to consider a trade as a career in the future, in a relaxed and fun environment. The girls from KLA were a credit to their school and a pleasure to spend the day with. I really hope the day has inspired some of them to pursue a career as a successful tradeswoman!”
Katie Leeming-Watts, Careers Lead and PE Teacher at KLA said:
“The Girl's into STEM event was a fantastic opportunity for KLA students. It was amazing to witness the girls gain new skills and achieving success outside of their comfort zones.”
Plumbing Lecturer Livvi Hodges with KLA students at Girls into STEM event at CWA King's Lynn campus.