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Uniformed Services Students Celebrate at Challenge Day
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Uniformed Services students at CWA have marked the end of their year with their annual ‘Challenge Day’.
Students from all pre-uniform service courses at both King’s Lynn and Wisbech campuses came together at Plaxtole House to battle it out against each other in a tournament that’s not for the faint hearted.
The events which included cross country, log run, tug of war, assault course and a gun run, were all set to sort the best from the rest on a day which also celebrated the faculty’s charity work during the year. The uniformed services department presented representatives of the Fire & Rescue Service with a cheque totalling £2069.66 for The Fire Services Charity. The money had been raised by the students at various events during the year for the charity which was selected at the start of the year.
Invited guests from many of the uniformed services were in attendance as a thank you for their support during the year which has seen them give talks, demonstrations, mock interviews and physical testing to the students as part of their course.
Programme manager for uniformed services Lee Mallott said: “Everyone looks forward to the challenge day, which represents a year of hard work by the students, as it gives us a chance to reflect on how far the students have developed physically and mentally. The groups are all tightly-knit and give each other support throughout their course and they work well as a team just as they would need to when they start a career in any of the uniformed services.”
Group1139 Foxtrot were the overall winners and lifted the trophy at the end-of-day award ceremony, during which the department awards and certificates were presented to the deserving student winners.